Thursday, September 22, 2011

Moving way too fast!

There is nothing quite like things moving so quickly and smoothly to hit home a reminder of how much you aren't prepared for the outcome!
Butterfly was referred a month ago, by his gender therapist, to a pediatric endocrinologist.  We were given warning that we shouldn't expect to get an appointment for at least 9 months, up to a year.  Okay, I can accept that this is the way things are, right?

Well, can you imagine my surprise when I am given an appointment for a mere month in the future?  Still, I'm coping well.  We go in for what I assume is a "meet&greet" only to be surprised that Dr. L is happy that I have done my homework, had already seen video of her speaking at a symposium on transgendered children, so she sees no reason not to dive right in.  Depending on the test results, we may be looking at Lupron by the end of the year.  Wow!

Butterfly didn't leave CHEO before getting a hormone stimulating shot, 5 vials of blood drawn and an x-ray to determine bone growth.  We had to go back for a BMD (bone mineral density test).  In a couple of weeks we have another appointment with Dr. L in early October for a review of the test results.

I was so proud of Butterfly!  For a kid who has never had to have shots or be poked and prodded, he was incredibly cooperative and charming with the staff. 

As a side note, the BMD was super cool!  There is now an xray of his full skeleton.  The tech wasn't allowed to give us a copy at the time, but she said that Dr. L could give us a copy when we have our follow-up.  We just might blow it up to life size and use it for a Hallowe'en decoration!

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