Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dandelion's Hero...aka Rae Spoon

Dandelion was incredibly lucky this weekend...he got to go to a concert on Saturday night and meet his hero Rae Spoon!  (cue screaming girls and woohoos)

The hero worship for Dandelion began when he had the good fortune to sneak marshmallows with Rae Spoon and some other campers while at Ten Oaks camp last summer.  This is a favourite memory of Dandelions.  He then had the pleasure of enjoying Rae perform for the campers.  Was your camp that awesome?  I doubt it!

This started our family's love affair with Rae and their music.  Dandelion was so impressed with Rae that he was inspired to take up guitar. 

And, you know what, besides their shared love of guitar, music and sneaking of marshmallows they also share one other thing...they are both trans.

I am impressed with Rae...they are talented, well-spoken and Canadian (don't fault me for my inate love of all Canadian!).  I'm glad my son has you to look up to!

Check out Rae Spoon and their music and musings....